Monday, June 25, 2012

Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll

Ok, so there definitely wont be any sex (boo!), drugs (unless you count the Allegra I just took for my allergies), or rock n' roll (except maybe the Pink Floyd lullaby album BB listens to at night), included in this post... It peaked your interest though, didn't it! Buuuut,  if you feel like reading a boring blog about the weekend goings-on's of a boring midwest family, then you have come to the right place!

Read on if you dare....

You know you're a grown-up (and possibly a lame one) when...

1. You go to Applebee's with your husband and baby on a Friday night so you can finally get rid of the gift card the hubs got from work.
2. You go to Applebee's with your husband and baby on a Friday night at 5:30.
3. You go to Applebee's with your husband and baby on a Friday night at 5:30, and when asked what you want to do the rest of the weeked you reply with "I'm not sure, but there's a movie on Lifetime tomorrow night that looks good."

Incase you didn't pick up on it, this weekend we went to Applebee's and watched a movie on Lifetime.

I guess that's not all we did. 

On Saturday we went to Bass Pro Shop to look at the fish....

On Sunday morning we went to church, where we took BB to the nursery for the first time. I didn't document the experience, but it looked something like this...

One of the drawbacks of staying home with your baby: Major separation anxiety. We barely made it through 15 minutes of the service before we were paged because he was crying so hard. 

On Sunday afternoon my parents came over (with pizza!) to play with BB...

What did you do this weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Visited with your mother in law. That's what I did! heard about Baby Bo and Frances a million times....

    We made it out to get shaved ice and----Well, I need to get out on a date soon. There has to be more to tell....
