Monday, April 30, 2012

A Rant

I have become increasingly aware of the number of frustrated parents out there. And what is it that they are frustrated with? No, it's not their children (well, chances are they probably are somewhat frustrated with their kids, but that is not what they are complaining about). What they are frustrated with is other parents. Over the past 5 1/2 months I have become all to familiar with the fact that too many parents judge other parents, as well as the fact that it does not take much to offend a parent when it comes to children and personal parenting style and choices. I get it. I totally  get it. But at the same time I think we all need to chill out. Seriously. I have cared for so many different children in my lifetime, and a large majority of my friends have children. I can say with 100% honesty that out of all the parents I have encountered over the years, no two parents choose to parent in the exact same way. Oh, and guess what else...IT'S OK! So chill out people. So someone else doesn't agree with everything you are doing as a parent...or perhaps it has nothing to do with the fact that they don't agree with it, but simply that they may have just chosen to do something a little different than you. So what? Is your child happy, healthy, and thriving? Do you love your children, and care for them to the best of your abilities? Then it sounds like you are probably doing it right. No two children are the same, so it would stand to reason that no two parents are going to tackle routine parenting "issues" the same way either. If I've said it once I have said it a thousand times....parenting books and similar literature are nice guides. But that is all they are: Guides. At the end of the day you have to do what is right for your child/children/family. I am a firm believer in a woman's intuition, and it is no more apparent than when a woman is caring for her own child.
My suggestion? Stick together mommies. Let's cool it with the criticisms, judgments, and let's all make an effort to be a little less defensive. I know it's hard, but the best support system a parent can have is other parents. Who else is going to understand your problems, issues, and frustrations as well as someone else who, more than likely, has experienced the same thing.The same holds true with all the positives things, meaning we should be allowed to share our personal triumphs and be truly happy for each other instead of making everything a competition. Who knows, maybe someday we can all become a little more open minded, and instead of choosing to be offended by one another, we can begin to learn from each other.

Just a thought.

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