Saturday, April 9, 2011

Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me!

This morning I awoke to beautiful sunlight beaming through my window. It seemed to me like the perfect day to eat my breakfast outside. While sitting on my back patio, watching a cardinal tweeting away on the fence, one of these started buzzing around my head...

...causing me to spill milk and Special K all over myself and my dog.

Later on I thought the weather was perfect for having all the windows open in our house...that was until one of these flew in....

I can never get up the nerve to get close enough to actually swat one of these I switched the nozzles of the multipurpose cleaner and the windex to "stream" and sprayed them both simultaniously, (from a comfortable distance away), straight at the disgusting monster. That did the trick.

Later on I realized that there were about ten of these buzzing around my house....

I'm not afraid to swat these, but they sure are annoying!

Today I was reminded how much I love spring. Unfortunatley I was also reminded how much I hate the insects and bugs that come along with it.



1 comment:

  1. In my dorm room, freshman year, I learned that hair spray also makes a good bug killer. It was all we had and there was a wasp in our room. But spraying it until it stopped moving did the trick lol
