Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Tale Of Two Kitties

 Mr. Bo and I have a blended family. Yes, it's true. Before you go quickly making assumptions, let me clarify.When we got married we both contributed one cat each to our family. Mr. Bo brought along his childhood buddy, Dr. Katz. I brought along with me a cat that I like to refer to as my "frist baby," Dinah. It's been 3 1/2 years now since we were all untied in holy matrimony, and while we now refer to them as "our" cats, deep in my heart I know the truth. I have, and always will, love Dinah more than I love Dr. Katz. She will always be mine, and he will always be Mr. Bo's. This is not simply just a case of "his and mine" though, but actually has more to do with the fact that I find many of Dr. Katz's qualities to be less than savory.
 For example, Dr. Katz will not, by any means, drink from the pet water dish. He will do everything in his power to drive you crazy,  including but not limited to: yowling, waking you up every morning at 4 on the dot by walking on your face, clawing at the door frames, and peeing in your favorite purse...all in an effort to let you know that he would like you to fill the bathroom sink with water so that he may drink from it. This is the only place Dr. Katz will drink from...that or mine and Mr.Bo's cups that we as ignorant humans think we can set down on the coffee table without having a cat face thrust into it a mere 5 seconds later. Yes, Dr. Katz is very good at letting us know when things aren't going his way. There are times though, that his efforts are completely in vain, because we cannot figure out what in the world it is that he wants. This made the the piles of cat poop that we have been coming home to lately (that we assumed Dr. Katz was leaving for us), all the more frustrating.
 Then there's Dinah. Sweet, apple of my eye, cat after my own heart, sweet, precious Dinah. I'm not kidding people. I am obsessed with this cat. All she needs to do is walk into a room and I smile.Over the past few years I have become increasingly aware that the feeling is mutual. She is more loyal to me than any dog I have ever owned. She is everywhere I am, so often so that when I notice she is not in the room I worry that she might have gotten loose (She is always trying to sneak out the door). These days she especially loves to be where I am if I have BB with me. Ever notice how she has made appearances in more than one of my BB photos? In case you haven't, check these out...

I'm only sort of joking when I say that I feel like Dinah and I are kindred spirits who found each other in a wide, wide world of kitties and humans. :)
So imagine my utter dismay when this morning, as I unloaded the dishwasher, Dinah walked in and pooped in the middle of the kitchen floor RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! I was shocked. All this time I have been blaming Dr. Katz for every disgusting pile I found, when come to find out, they are in on it together! So now what am I supposed to do?  I feel as though apologies may be in order from me to Dr. Katz, but how do you apologize to a cat? Treats? Some catnip perhaps?...

... Or maaayybe I will brush this incident under the proverbial rug and pretend it never happened, and go on blaming "his" cat. Yes, that sounds much easier than an apology.  I will probably just do that.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha. Too funny. Oh Dinah....Tell her auntie Cortney said hi and sing, "I'm a survivor" for me. And if you feel inclined, pick her up and dance with her:)
