Monday, July 16, 2012

Vlog Week

Like most new parents, Mr. Bo and I take an excessive amount of pictures and videos of our baby. Everything he does seems to warrant some sort of preservation. I know I have lots of friends and family who would enjoy seeing some of our videos (I am also aware that there are plenty of people who couldn't care less). For this reason I have decided that this week I will be posting a series of vlogs, or video blogs, featuring BB. Technically I guess they won't actually count as "vlogs" in the traditional sense of the word where, instead of me rambling on in front of a camera and posting that, I will simply be sharing some of our favorite BB home videos. That being said, I know I have quite a few readers who aren't subscribers, but who link to my blog through Facebook. This week, in an effort to keep from clogging people's Newsfeeds with my post links, I will only be linking this post to my wall. If you are not a subscriber but are interested in seeing some super cute videos of my awesome kid, be sure to check back throughout the week for updates.

For my first vlog, I will be sharing a short video that was taken last week. You may recall in my last post that I mentioned how BB likes to give kisses. Mr. Bo took this video on the first night he started doing this. I was on my way to take him upstairs to get ready for bed and this is what happened...

....It's all fun and games until someone spits up in their mouth. 

I may have forgotten to mention that this was also one of my notorious "no shower" days. Therefore, yes, it was 8 o'clock and night, and yes, I was still in my pajamas, and from the looks of it was still rockin' bed-head from that morning.

I have no shame.

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