Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Adventures of Baby Bo: 7 Months

I say it every month....I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. I remember back when BB was first born and thinking that 6 months was going to be such a milestone, and I was having a hard time picturing him  as an active "half-year-old." Well now the half way mark has come and gone, and we are on the downhill slide to one year! Until then I am determined to live in the now, and enjoy every new stage of his life, including this stage: 7 months!
BB had his 6 month well check at around 6 1/2 months, so when I wrote his 6 month update I wasn't exactly sure how much he weighed, etc. Well on May 24, BB weighed in at a whopping 19 lbs and was 27 1/2 inches tall, putting him in the respective 78th and 88th percentiles. He got three more vaccination shots, and took them surprisingly well. He cried for only a few seconds, and not even until the third stick did he really seem to notice what was going on. I was so relieved, because as any mother will tell you, shots can be a heart breaking and traumatic experience for both mom and baby. Everything checked out health wise, although it was recommended that we see a dermatologist for a small pimple like cyst that he has had on his chin for quite some time.
This past Monday I had to take BB back to the doctor. Last Friday he began running a low grade fever (also his first fever), and even though it was gone on Saturday, he began breaking out into a full body rash. The rash stayed throughout the weekend, and along with it came a stuffy/runny nose, watery eyes, and lots of fussiness. Since he no longer had a fever we were told that the rash was probably nothing, and that most likely he had a cold or allergies. By Wednesday the rash was gone, and today he seems to be feeling better all together. 
His sleeping and eating patterns have stayed very consistent these past few months. He still takes three naps a day, drinks 4 bottles a day, and eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He still goes to bed around 8 every night, and wakes up between 6 and 7. Mr. Bo and I both thank our lucky stars that BB is such a good sleeper. For as high maintenance as he can be while awake (lets just say at times he has some strong opinions and he is not shy about letting you know what they are), he has always been an excellent sleeper. While there was a time when we had some difficulty with getting him to fall asleep on his own, once that was nipped in the bud it was smooth sailing from then on. He loves his bed, and it is nice to never have to rush to get him the moment he wakes up because he is perfectly content playing with, and talking to the toys in his bed while he waits (this also makes for some good entertainment on the video monitor). 
This summer has been a lot of fun so far. Mr. Bo had a week off before summer school began and we all got to enjoy time together, mostly outside. Even with him teaching summer school, he is able to make it home by 3:30, therefore still allowing time for us to do things together (or maybe just he and BB if this mamma needs a break). One of their favorite things to do together is relax and swing in the hammock in our backyard. We take a walk everyday, and sometimes two. We play in water, run errands, and try to relax as much as we can, but with a baby as active as BB, the relaxing part can be hard to do (remember my high maintenance comment earlier?). But seeing as he was conceived from a stubborn, quick tempered mom and a naughty, mischievous dad, I would expect nothing less!

Going to the spray ground
A fountain just his size
Enjoying music at "Art in the Park"
Hammock time!
Bath time!
Bed time??
Pool time!

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