Monday, July 30, 2012

Our July in I Phone Pictures

Mr. Bo and I don't currently own a good camera for taking pictures, therefore most of our photos are taken using our phones. Thanks to a little thing called Photo Stream, I have easy access to these pictures, and can easily upload them to my blog or Facebook. We've done a lot this past month, but at no point have I really felt like sitting down and typing out individual posts for each event. Thanks to my good friend over at Our Fishy Family, I got the idea to use some of our random I Phones pics from throughout the month to give you a quick snap-shot list of our July. 

A few weeks ago Mr. Bo and I went with some friends to see The Dave Matthews Band for the fourth time in the six years we have been together. We definitely broke the bank paying for the tickets, but it was well worth it... 

He opened with "Don't Drink the Water"

The official set list

 This was the first time Mr. Bo and I had both been away over night, leaving BB at home. My mom stayed with him at our house, and I think they had a pretty good time...

He loves his CC

We missed him, so we sent my mom this picture to show BB at bed time

 Later that week I ran my first 5K..

Mr. Bo did not run, but he joined in on the festivites

There were DJ's and dancers along the way, and at the start/finish line

Starting line

The race was two hours away in the town where Mr.Bo's sister lives. Since it was at night, we left BB for the second time over night, this time with Mr. Bo's parents...

Playing with Grandpa

It has been so hot outside lately. There were a few days last week when the temperature dropped just enough that we were able to take advantage and enjoy the "cool" weather...

Can you sense the excitement?

Gettin' outdoors-y

Must be bed time!

This past weekend we took another two hour trip (this time with BB) to visit my aunt. We relaxed, ate yummy food, and played in the pool...

Lovin' on aunt Car-num

Playing by the pool

Me, catching up on an old hobby; doing nothing!

We also got to visit some friends who live not too far from my aunt, and who have a one-year-old...

New friends

On Sunday morning we hurried back home for a birthday lunch at my grandma's house for my dad. We got to spend time with family, including my sister.

Chillin' with Aunt K

July was a busy month, and August is gearing up to be the same way! Get excited folks!

1 comment:

  1. He's getting too big! Love the pic of him with daddy outside.
