Thursday, February 17, 2011

I Loved Betty White Before Betty White Was Cool

For seven years running "The Golden Girls" has remained my favorite sitcom of all time. I started watching it my freshman year of college in the mornings while I would be getting ready for class. I now own every season on DVD, and frequently watch them at night while I'm falling asleep. It is for this reason that I came up with a list of the top 5 reasons why I think that "The Golden Girls" is the best sitcom ever.

Reason #1: It has stood the test of time. When I discovered the show you could find the reruns on about a kagillion times a day on a jabillion different networks. You can still watch them on TV today, almost 20 years after the show went off the air.

Reason #2: Watching "The Golden Girls" is like a history lesson. For example, did you know that Pat Sajack had a late night talk show in the late eighties/early nineties? Well he did, and I learned that from episode 12, titled "Blind Date," of the fourth season of the show.

Reason #3: Quotable Quotes. Just to give you an idea...
Blanche: I'll give you anything. I'll give you one of my sons.
Dorothy: Blanche....
Blanche: Dorothy, I've given this a lot of thought. I've had 4 kids, I've never had a Mercedes. So, which one do you want? Biff, Doug, Skippy? No, don't take Skippy, he's got asthma.

Reason #4: The Theme Song!

Reason #5: Betty White reminds me of my grandma (and I love my Grandma), so I love Betty White.

Of course the runner-up for the best sitcom ever is Roseanne. For this I made a list of the top 4 reasons why I think that Rosanne is runner-up for the best sitcom ever.

Reason #1: It has the best series finale of any show I have ever seen.

Reason #2: John Popper sings the lyrics to, and plays the theme song on the harmonica for the opening credits in the last season of the show. Before that the theme song didn't have lyrics.  

Reason #3: The Halloween episodes are classic. The Best.

Reason #4: Because Rosanne's voice is so musical.

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